Time Travel and Manipulation

Been a while I wrote one of these… How’re you guys doing? Trust you’ve been well. Me? God’s been really good to me, I cannot explain it.

Humm… This wasn’t the intro I planned but as a lover of movies and TV shows, it was sad to find out this morning that Matthew Perry (Chandler from F.R.I.E.N.D.S) passed, so I decided to say a few words about it here. Plus, I thought it was fitting for this piece (it’ll make sense soon). Beyond sad, I was also pissed… pissed about just how messed up life as a celebrity can be, especially in Hollywood. How you can look great on camera and do a great job entertaining other people but be warring or dying inside and have almost no good person around to fight with you or keep you from hurting yourself or throwing in the towel.

I can say more about that but that’s not the focus in this piece. I just… I pray that God surrounds people in positions of fame and power with good people they can trust and rely on. And if there be any emptiness in their hearts may it be filled by divine joy and nothing else. I pray the same for young ones looking to get into these positions, but for these ones, I also pray specially, that they are blessed with solid foundations of godly identity which births positive self esteem, humility, satisfaction, kindness and fulfilment that cannot be tampered with by their professions.

And yes, I know other people have died today and everyone needs a godly identity and good people around them BUT science has proven that fame and power (wealth too) physically change the brain (google it, no, bing it actually). So, they are not more important than anyone else, I am just focusing on their unique situation right now that’s all. I know a few of them too, so this is kinda personal.

Now, what I really want to talk about is the concept of time travel and time manipulation. But not in the way you’ve heard it before.

I’m currently watching the Marvel TV show – Loki Season 2 and the show uses the concept of time travel and manipulation really well. Probably the best I’ve seen so far in all my years of watching sci-fi. I mean, the last episode was just amazing with Victor Timely meeting Ouroboros and Loki pruning himself from the timeline…. (I’ll stop geeking out now but that’s one more thing you know about me 🤓).

Yet, as great as that show is, it did not inspire this piece of writing. I was actually inspired by statements in the writings of one of the Apostles – Peter. In 1 Peter 1, he talked about our identities in Christ; the salvation we currently enjoy and the salvation we WILL enjoy at the end of time (believers are the ones who remain in safe castles at the end of time Marvel 😏 and we won’t be floating in darkness on a piece of earth, we will be in God-lit-heaven and we’ll get a brand new earth too 😏😏😏 last geek out, I promise).

Peter also talked about how these things were promised and were told to the prophets of old but they didn’t understand it because the prophets and their prophecies, to me, were simply time-capsules who would deliver the message to we who it was meant for now. (If you don’t know what a time-capsule is, the best way I can explain is when you find money in your pocket that you had forgotten about except, it was intentionally put there by you or someone else in the past. It’s actually a fun thing to do with loved ones (especially kids), you can intentionally hide money, a photograph, letter, jewellery, old tech. or something of emotional value somewhere you won’t look for a long time and then set a reminder for say 10 or 20 years in the future or not and forget about it. In the future, when you stumble on it and/or dig it out, it feels like you sent it to yourself from the past).

Anyway, the prophets didn’t understand the message of the salvation we now and will enjoy coz God hid it in them for us. Like a time-capsule, they couldn’t understand their own content. But that’s not where things started to get really interesting for me, that began when Peter says, “Christ was chosen as a ransom for our sins before the beginning of time”. That kind of makes you wanda 😉, hmm, did God know Adam and Eve were going to sin? Or was Christ always going to die (I lean towards the latter but, story for another day). The Apostle – John takes it even further in the book of Revelation and says Christ WAS slain before time began sef. And if He was slain before time, how could he have been slain again some 2023 years ago?!

Additionally, in 1 Peter 3, after helping us with marital and relational matters, Peter talks about how Christ paid for our sins for ALL TIME i.e past, present and future sins (you should jump about that). But he didn’t stop there, apparently, after Christ was risen to life, He went to preach to (not revive, PREACH TO) imprisoned spirits – the ones who disobeyed God in NOAH’S time and before Christ (so those ones have no excuse and EVERYONE gets a chance to hear the gospel and CHOOSE life. So, maybe even Goliath will be in heaven? If he accepted Christ? 😅 The surprises some of us will get ehn 😂) and the only logical space of time for this to have happened was before Christ appeared to his disciples, so… In less than 24hrs He preached to millions, maybe billions of people.

By the way, let’s not forget that B.C saints also came back to life when Christ died on the cross (check Matthew 27:52. And maybe that’s the idea that’s been perverted into vampires and zombies. Happy Halloween 😕).

Someone is wondering how my mind works now 🤣 I don’t know either. And I’m not done.

Peter’s words made me think about other timely-wobbly things in and about the Bible like: first, how words in the Bible can apply to a 21st century situation; or how some Bible characters/authors from different time periods spoke/wrote about the same person or situation; or the creation story and the evolution of life – billions of years compressed into 7 days; or the existence of Melkizedek; or Moses stopping time at the battle of Rephidim; or the existence of Elijah and John the Baptist in the same timeline; or Philip catching up to the Ethiopian Eunuch’s Chariot; or Christ himself being born through David’s lineage, David who spoke with and about Christ; or just Christ being born at all – a timeless being infused into human flesh infused into a human womb without intercourse!


If I stop here I’ll be happy to just have geeked out to you, but nah! Here comes the punchline: WE ARE LOVED BY A GOD THAT IS NOT LIMITED BY TIME.

Allow that idea to percolate your beautiful mind for a while and then hear this: THERE’S NOTHING THAT WAS WRONG, IS WRONG, WILL BE WRONG THAT GOD HASN’T ALREADY FIXED.

Language fails to describe what really needs to be said here but if for example, you were hurt in the past, it’s not too late for you to be not just healed but saved from that hurt in such a way that you start to feel it never even happened. If you have experienced delay in a particular area, it is not too late for that thing to be sorted in such a way that it feels like you never waited so long. If you lost something or someone, it is not too late for the value it/they gave to be found/replaced in such a way that it feels like you never lost it.

And when God does it, sure, our limited brains may remember the things that were wrong but our Spirit knows that our times have been redeemed utterly and completely, beyond anything any Hollywood writer’s room can concoct 😕

P.S: Do not read the Bible like it is a work of fiction created by religion to manipulate people or some boring literary work that has nothing to do with you. Read it like it’s a history book, a history book about you. Coz that’s exactly what it is – the history of humanity and the God who chose them, made them and loves them. Last I checked, you are human. Right?! Scientology and atheism seems to want to explain God out of existence but science is only a blurry glimpse into what God did effortlessly; don’t let it keep you from your God.

He’s cooler than all the Loki variants combined and Thor and Oden! He needs no sleep, He doesn’t even slumber, He took care of death permanently, she’s not coming back to destroy His kingdom and Gorr couldn’t butcher Him. He’s God! The beginning, the end and everything in between. He’s the source of all forces (including the force) and all matter too. He doesn’t have one type of weapon, He does battle in ways the human mind can’t yet imagine, Ares has nothing on Him, John Wick doesn’t come close. He’s not one of the gods, He is THE GOD. The one who doesn’t need human imagination or worship for him to exist or be powerful! He existed before all things and will remain after all things. This God has chosen to love you and you say He isn’t real? Think again.

Photo by: @marvarto_o

